Coral Sea Tsunamibuoys

Our 31m utility vessel "PMG Pride" has been very busy of late - as always. The vessel underwent an extensive slipping and refit at PMG's own slipway - Mackay Shipyard, a few months ago. After she was downslipped the PMG Pride dodged a cyclone for a week, then steamed off to Newcastle for a seismic testing campaign, then steamed home to Townsville, quick resupply, then off to The Capricorn Coast / Lady Elliot Island to install Grouted Screw Moorings for a month, then back to Townsville for a another very quick resupply, then off to the Coral Sea for one of our very good long term clients - Bureau of Meterology - to change out 2 Tsunami Buoys. 2 new buoys had earlier been sent to Townsville, where BOM assembled them and function tested at our marine facility for the week leading up to the trip.

The trip involved over 2000NM of steaming (without refuelling) and the detailed planning, professional crew, and perfectly suited vessel ensured the job went off without a hitch.