Site Map
- Port of Townsville Berth 6 and 7 Demolition
- Tsunami Buoy Deployment in the Tasman Sea
- Fiji Tow
- Port of Townsville Berth 6 and 7 Demolition Update
- Berth 6/7 Demolition Update
- Goodbye PMG1
- Palm Island Jetty Upgrade
- Yanks Jetty Completed
- Blast from the Past
- Manus Island Tow
- Amrun Project – Rio Tinto Weipa
- Port of Townsville Berth 6/7 Demolition Complete
- NQBP Offshore Works Packages - Weipa
- Myrmidon Reef Tower
- Port Hedland Beacons
- Amrun Piling Complete
- Cruise Whitsundays Pontoon Relocation / Moorings
- Ocean Outfall Contract Awarded
- Abbot Point MOF Completed
- Palm Island Switchroom
- Grouted Screw Moorings in the Keppels
- Abel Point Marina Rebuild
- 28m ketch salvage
- US Navy Support
- NQ Training Awards 2017 Winners
- Hay Point Stacker Reclaimers Transport and Roll Off
- PMG181 off to Weipa
- Abbot Point Stacker Reclaimer Delivery
- Hay Point Stacker Reclaimers Delivery Continues
- Whitsundays Grouted Screw Moorings
- Loves Jetty Demolition - Mackay Port
- Tateyama Maru Salvage
- AR Ford Final Voyage
- POMSSUP Coral Relocation PNG
- Norfolk Island Plane Salvage
- Tateyama Maru Removed From Water
- Whitsunday Magic Removal
- Port Moresby Ocean Outfall Update
- Port Moresby Ocean Outfall Pipeline Sinking - Diffuser String
- Port Moresby Ocean Outfall Update
- Coral Sea Tsunamibuoys
- Cleveland Bay Purification Plant Ocean Outfall
- Herbert River Rock Dumping
- PMG's New Barges
- Stradbroke Island Artificial Reef
- Cleveland Bay Purification Plant Outfall Completed
- Weipa Beacons Completed
- PMG 124 and PMG151 Launched
- Hammond Island Continues
- Crown of Thorns Starfish Control Contract
- Stradbroke Island Artificial Reef Completed
- Tasman Sea Tsunamibuoys
- Hammond Island Marine Access Complete
- Bedford Weir Pump Station Jetty
- Bedford Weir Pump Station Jetty Complete
- Kikori River PNG - CP Stations and River Markers Project
- Museum of Underwater Art
- Crown of Thorns Starfish Control Program Update
- Kikori River PNG - River Markers and CP Stations Update
- PNG Navigation Aids
- Stradbroke Island Artificial Reef 6 Month Post Installation Dive
- PMG 2019 Queensland Training Awards Winners
- PMG Winners in the 2019 Concrete Institute Awards for Excellence
- Kikori River Project Completed Successfully
- Norship Finger Wharf - Cairns
- Brook Island Vessel Disposal
- Industry Leading Trainer with Top Apprentices & Trainees
- Museum of Underwater Art - Coral Greenhouse Installation on the Great Barrier Reef
- Museum of Underwater Art - Ocean Siren on Townsville's Strand
- Port of Townsville Berth 10 Extension
- Tweed Heads Artificial Reef
- PMG appointed to Department of Foreign Affair's Pacific Panel
- Weipa Mission River Bridge 2020 Campaign
- Magnetic Island Submarine Cable
- Updated Capability Statement
- Magnetic Island Cargo Transfers
- AMSA Lads Passage Navigational Aids Repairs
- PMG Cairns Acquisition
- AMSA Lads Passage Nav Aids Project Completed
- Townsville's Ross River Channel Dredging
- Mackay Tug Berth
- Townsville Channel Upgrade Project Preliminaries - Jack up Barge / Beacon Extraction
- Hay Point Beacons Maintenance
- PMG is back to the Pacific
- Hinchinbrook Wreck Removal
- Vines Creek Wreck Removal
- Mackay Tug Berth Project Update
- Vanuatu Piling Complete
- Alotau Provincial Wharf Contract Signed
- Tennis on the Great Barrier Reef
- Townsville Dredge Material Unloading Facility
- Lombrum (PNG) Naval Base Marine Package Award
- 2022 Queensland Training Awards
- Alotau (PNG) Provincial Wharf Progress
- Alotau (PNG) Provincial Wharf Mobilisation
- Alotau Provincial Wharf (PNG) update
- Western Border Outpost in the Shortland Islands Group - Solomon Islands - Geotechnical investigation
- Alotau Provincial Wharf (PNG) completed
- Papua New Guinea Showcase Video
- COTS Control Program 100th trip!
- Ocean Sentinels Installation
- Alotau Provincial Wharf Opening Ceremony
- Whitsundays Moorings Campaign
- Col Wood Retirement
- Cape Flattery Seawall Construction
- Townsville Port Berth 10 Dolphin
- Lombrum (Manus Island - PNG) Marine Infrastructure Project
- Myrmidon Reef Tower Reconstruction
- Alotau Provincial Wharf
- Port of Townsville Berth 10 Upgrade
- Abbot Point Marine Offloading Facility
- Mackay Tug Berth Design and Construct
- Mission River Bridge Reinstatement
- Hay Point HPX3 Logistics
- Oilsearch Ltd Offshore Diving
- Crown of Thorns Starfish Control Program
- Gold Coast Desalination Plant Diffuser Installation
- Townsville Channel Upgrade Dredging Support
- Hay Point Stacker Reclaimers Marine Logistics
- Abbot Point Stacker Reclaimer Marine Logistics
- Hay Point Bechtel HPX3 Works
- BOM Tsunami Buoys
- Commissioner Removal MSQ
- Tateyama Maru Salvage
- ATSB Norfolk Island Plane Salvage
- Defender Salvage
- Erin Maree Salvage Vines Creek Mackay
- Grouted Screw Moorings Whitsunday Islands
- Abbot Point Cyclone Moorings Install
- Cyclone Moorings Hay Point
- Grouted Screw Moorings Offshore Cairns
- Cyclone Moorings Install Svitzer Bowen
- Tweed Heads Artificial Reef
- Stradbroke Island Artificial Reef
- Museum of Underwater Art Coral Greenhouse
- POMSSUP Coral Relocation
- National Maritime Safety Authority (PNG) Navigational Aids Packages
- Kikori River CP Stations & River Signage
- North QLD Cyclone Repairs - Lads Passage AtoNs
- Hammond Island Marine Access
- Port Moresby Ocean Outfall
- Cleveland Bay Purification Plant Outfall
- Townsville Port Berths 6/7 Demolition
- Bureau of Meteorology - Willis
- Amrun Project River Terminals
- Narrows Crossing Armour Rock Back-Filling Works
- Port Hedland Channel Marker Refurbishment
- Loves Jetty Demolition
- South Molle Jetty Demolition
- Defence Wharf Structures Maintenance
- Fathom Pacific Coral Sea Charter
- Eauripic Atoll Hydrocarbons Clean Up
- NQBP Weipa Beacons
- Townsville Sea Leads
- Yanks Jetty Refurbishment
- PMG Pride ROV Charter
- Hamilton Island to Dent island Pipeline
- Lucinda Wharf Reconstruction
- Dept. Main Roads Palm Island Jetty Reconstruction
- Ossa Salvage
- Magnetic Island Water Pipeline
- Hay Point Extension HPX3 Diving Works
- 45m Depth Trawler Salvage
- Eungella Dam Maintenance
- Solomons Ship Salvage
- Cape Flattery Silica Mine Wharf Pile Repairs
- Palm Island Jetty Pontoon and Shelter
- AMSA Lads Passage Aids to Navigation Repairs
- Bedford Weir
- Copperfield Gorge Dam Intake Structure Installation
- DBCT Underwater Inspections
- Fiji Defence Wharf Piling Works
- Hay Point Caisson and Scour Mat Inspections
- Magnetic Island Power Cable Repairs
- Solomons Geotechnical Campaign
- Townsville Ross River Channel Dredging and Sweep Bar Works
- Weipa Mission River Bridge Refurbishment
- ADIDAS Barge on the Great Barrier Reef
- Cape Flattery Seawall Reconstruction
- Fiji Defence Base Marine Facility Piling
- Hinchinbrook Channel Commissioner Salvage
- Newman Reef Aid to Navigation
- Solomons Western Border Outpost Defence Marine Base Geotechnical Investigation
- Vanuatu and Solomons Defence Patrol Boat Marine Facilities
- PMG Emerald
- PMG Pride
- PMG Tarka
- Sea Charlie
- Black Panther
- PMG Swordfish
- PMG Sailfish
- PMG 183W
- PMG 181
- PMG 182
- PMG 151
- PMG 124
- PMG 121
- PMG 122
- PMG 123
- Sheerlegs
- Road Transportable Barge 14m
- Road Transportable Barge 12m
- PMG Odyssey
- Sea Wanderer 2
- George Doyle
- Lady Judes
- Lisa Lee
- Titan
- Samsson 2
- Construction Punts, Polycrafts, Dinghys, Tenders
- PMG Pusher
- PMG Catfish
Support Equipment
- Dawson Hydraulic Impact Hammer
- Junttan 10/12/14S Hydraulic Impact Hammer
- Junttan 7/9A Hydraulic Impact Hammer
- ICE23RF Vibro Hammer
- ICE44B Vibro Hammer
- ICE416L Vibro Hammer
- 2 Gate Hydraulic Piling Frame
- 3 Gate Hydraulic Piling Frame
- 180ft Piling Barges
- 2 Gate Piling Frame
- 7T Piling Hammer
- 3.5T Piling Hammer
- 80T Sany Crawler Crane
- 100T Sany Crawler Crane
- 150T Sany Crawler Crane
- 180T Kobelco Crawler Crane
- 280T Sumitomo Crawler Crane
- Fenders & Brows
- Complete Anchor Winch sets
- Anchors 2T - 6T
- 20T Excavators
Get In Touch
11-15 Sandspit Drive
South Townsville 4810,
Queensland, Australia
P. +61 7 4724 2200
F. +61 7 4724 2208