Tateyama Maru Salvage

PMG have just returned from the successful salvage of the Tateyama Maru, which dragged anchor and washed up on a beach on Gloucester Island (Whitsundays) during Cyclone Debbie in March 2017.

The casualty was a 34m steel Japanese ex research vessel, and had been pushed high up the beach by the cyclonic conditions.

The salvage involved months of detailed design work and planning, then a quick overnight mobilisation of the necessary tugs and barges, preparatory works on site – patching holes, removing weight, creating strong connection points for the tow, and installing lift bags under the stern to assist with the pull off.

PMG’s 24m tug Black Panther pulled the casualty off the beach when the preparatory works were complete and the design salvage tide was reached, and then moved the casualty to deeper water to prepare for towing back to Townsville. PMG Divers were mobilised to check everything was OK and remove the lift bags, the tow preparations were made, and a tow surveyor gave the all clear to tow the vessel to Townsville.

The casualty will now undergo work alongside PMG’s waterfront facility to remove weight and prepare for lifting out of the water and scrapping / recycling.